Beyond Back Pain: Chiropractic Solutions for Hip and Pelvic Issues

Hip pain and pelvic issues are very common among adults in the U.S. Almost 1 in every 3 adults in the United States deal with hip pain at some point in their lives. These conditions can cause various symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to excruciating pain that can interfere with an individual’s ability to perform everyday tasks.

While there are several invasive and non-invasive treatments to improve hip and pelvic issues, chiropractic care remains one of the best treatment options as it is safe and effective.

Let’s find out more about the causes of hip and pelvic issues and how chiropractic treatment can help.

What Causes Hip and Pelvic Issues  

Do you experience sciatic nerve pain that travels down from your back to your legs? Do you have a limited range of motion around your pelvic area? Do you experience muscle spasms around your back and hips?

If yes, then you’re dealing with hip and pelvic issues.

But what causes these physical health concerns?

Several factors contribute to hip and pelvic issues. Based on evidence, some of the most common causes of hip pain include the following.

  • Overuse of the ball and socket hip joint,
  • Soft tissue damage due to repetitive movement,
  • Strained muscles that support the hips,
  • Structural changes in the joint due to osteoarthritis,
  • Dehydration,
  • Unusual or sudden activities and
  • A sedentary lifestyle with longer sitting hours,
  • All these factors limit the range of motion and further restrict mobility and flexibility.

Relation Between Hip and Pelvic Issues

Did you know that hip and pelvic pain are related?

Individuals with hip pain are at a higher risk of developing pelvic issues as overworked hip muscles exert pressure on the pelvic region and cause pain.

Pelvic dysfunction related to hip pain overtime leads to musculoskeletal symptoms, including.

  • Lower abdominal and back pain,
  • Muscle weakness,
  • Urinary tract issues, including bladder function,
  • Sacroiliac joint issues and
  • Sciatic pain.

Chiropractic Treatment for Hip and Pelvic Issues

Chiropractic care is an effective solution for dealing with hip and pelvic issues. The treatment plan revolves around various techniques to alleviate pain and restore flexibility and mobility.

Some techniques in chiropractic care that can help you find solutions for hip and pelvic issues include the following.

Spinal Manipulation to Improve Musculoskeletal Alignment

Spinal manipulation forms the basis of chiropractic treatment.

A professional and reliable chiropractic practitioner knows the exact techniques required to improve spinal alignment.

When your spine is aligned, it relieves pressure on all the nerves passing through your spine which eases pain and discomfort. Moreover, it also aids in reducing inflammation, improves blood circulation, and relieves muscular spasms. As the spinal cord and nerves begin to heal, it reduces pain and improves your range of motion.


While spinal manipulation is the primary tool used by chiropractic practitioners for improving hip and pelvic issues, they also rely on massage to improve your condition.

Chiropractic practitioners use targeted, deep massage that can help you recover from pain and discomfort. Targeted deep massage loosens tight knots due to spasms in the hip and pelvic region. Moreover, it also stimulates blood flow and the release of positive hormones such as serotonin and dopamine, which help decrease stress and ease tension.

Stretching Exercises and Physical Therapy

Chiropractic treatment for hip and pelvic issues may also include stretching exercises and physical therapy.

Just like all the muscles in the body, pelvic and hip muscles benefit from stretching exercises and physical therapy as these exercises help strengthen weak muscles. As your hip and pelvic muscles strengthen, they are better equipped to support your joint and offer greater stability.

Diet and Nutrition

Part of chiropractic treatment for hip and pelvic issues involves focusing on diet and nutrition.

Certain foods like turmeric, eggs, meat, and whole grains can improve your pelvic issues. Your chiropractic practitioner can recommend including these foods in your diet as they can help reduce inflammation and allow you to maintain optimal health.  

Get Chiropractic Treatment for Hip and Pelvic Issues At J. & Co. Chiropractic

If you live in Arlington Heights and are struggling with hip and pelvis issues, consult a reliable chiropractic practitioner like J & Co. Chiropractic. 

At our facility, we ensure that our expert chiropractic practitioners guide and treat you in the best possible manner so you can find a solution to your hip and pelvic health concerns. Our experienced professionals use spinal manipulation and other techniques to improve your hip and pelvic pain and several other health concerns. Find out more about our treatments here.

Connect with our experts today by calling 847-665-9722 and get started on your journey to an active and pain-free lifestyle.

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Our Arlington Heights Female Chiropractor

If you have questions about the benefits of chiropractic care, we are here to help. Dr. Jessica can answer your questions and help you understand your chiropractic treatment options and the benefits of chiropractic care. She spends time with each patient to develop a relationship and fully understand each patient’s symptoms, needs, and goals. After a thorough examination, she will develop a comprehensive treatment plan. Contact J & Co. Chiropractic today to schedule your initial consultation and learn more about how we can support you with natural and effective care.