Birth trauma is real. Even though it often goes undetected, every child suffers from some kind of birth trauma during labor, delivery, and after the birthing process. According to a research paper published in the Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation, Vertebral Subluxation Complex is the primary cause of 10 to 20% of infant deaths, and approximately 80 to 84% of babies suffer from Traumatic Birth Syndrome due to Vertebral Subluxation Complex. Chiropractic adjustments can help the mother and the child in unwinding stress, injury, and tension caused during the birthing process. Here is everything you need to know about chiropractic care for Traumatic Birth Syndrome.
What Is Traumatic Birth Syndrome?
Traumatic Birth Syndrome (TBS) is a condition in which the spine of an infant is injured during or after the delivery process. These injuries can cause nerve damage and go undetected for long periods because no one looks for them. In simpler words, Traumatic Birth Syndrome includes any kind of birth trauma that causes the vertebra to move out of alignment and creates pressure on the nerve. In chiropractic terminology, this is called Vertebral Subluxation Complex or Subluxation. An infant can develop Traumatic Birth Syndrome under the following conditions:
- Pain medications.
- Restricted position of the fetus in the uterus.
- A prolonged birthing process.
- A complex delivery.
- The neck, head, or any part of the infant’s pelvis and spine was pulled or twisted during the delivery.
- The baby is delivered by C-section (Cesarian Section).
- Extraction aids such as vacuums or forceps were used during the birthing process.
Some common symptoms of Traumatic Birth Syndrome include:
- Difficulty sleeping
- Colic
- Feeding difficulties
- Irritability
- Developmental delays
- Bonding issues
A traumatic birthing experience can lead to lasting medical problems in infants like brain damage, brachial plexus injuries, bone fractures, cephalohematoma, perinatal asphyxia, caput succedaneum, spinal cord injuries, and psychological issues like Autism. Brown University and Harvard University published a research paper in 2011 according to which infants who suffer from Traumatic Birth Syndrome are more likely to develop Autism than those born via an easy, comfortable, and uneventful delivery.
Another study has shown a link between developmental delay and Traumatic Birth. The research proved that more than 80% of the children who had difficult birth suffer from developmental delays such as Autism and Attention Deficit Disorder. This is due to the excess pressure on the vulnerable spine and skull of the infant during birth.
Chiropractic Care for Traumatic Birth Syndrome
The newborn’s spine, muscles, skull, bones, ligaments, nerves, and joints are very delicate. Thus, as the infant pushes itself to make its way through the narrow birth canal, excess pressure is applied to the spinal nerves. This not only causes underlying spinal injuries but also affects the functioning of other organs.
While there is no specific chiropractic technique for treating Traumatic Birth Syndrome, a chiropractor creates their own version of spinal manipulation to heal the spinal injuries and speed up the recovery process. In fact, the chiropractic adjustment techniques used to treat Traumatic Birth Syndrome in infants are non-invasive and very gentle. The chiropractor will use their pinkie finger to carefully and gradually apply different levels of pressure on a certain area of the vertebrae in a specific direction. No cracking or popping will occur during the chiropractic care session.
Note that symptomatic babies might experience some discomfort due to the inflammation of the injury. However, infants with no symptoms will sleep peacefully throughout the process.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Infants
Chiropractic care for infants offers a wide range of benefits that go beyond treating Traumatic Birth Syndrome (TBS). Listed below are four benefits of infant chiropractic care:
1. Promotes Spinal Elongation
Spinal development continues from the day the baby is born till they turn three. However, improper alignment of the spine can jeopardize the child’s development and growth. Chiropractic care for spinal curvature and elongation can help in realigning the baby’s spine, ensuring that they grow without any spinal abnormalities.
2. Supports Neurological Development
A misaligned spine can adversely affect your little one’s nervous system, causing discomfort, tension, and irritability. Regular chiropractic adjustment can reboot the child’s nervous system, alleviating stress and strain on the nerves, improving brain functioning, and allowing your child to grow healthily.
3. Strengthens the Immune System
Since infants spend nine months inside the mother’s wound, their immune systems have no experience in fighting against environmental microorganisms. This makes the child susceptible to common illnesses like flu and cold. Chiropractic adjustments bolster the immune system, increasing its ability to produce antibodies and live a healthy life.
4. Improves Sleep
Spinal misalignment can lead to insomnia, making them cranky and fussy throughout the day. A chiropractor will help you in determining the cause of the discomfort and will use different chiropractic techniques to alleviate stress and improve your child’s behavior, mood, and sleeping habits.
Get in Touch with an Arlington Heights Chiropractor Today!
There is no question that chiropractic care is great for infants suffering from Traumatic Birth Syndrome. Whether the issue is a spinal injury, colic, ear infection, or sleep problems, chiropractic care can provide long-term relief and healing to children of all ages.
Prioritizing your health and well-being, J & Co Chiropractic takes pride in providing the best care for infants suffering from Traumatic Birth Syndrome. Dr. Jessica Cho will conduct a comprehensive physical and medical examination of your little one to determine the root cause of the problem. She will then create a customized chiropractic care plan tailored to the unique needs of your bundle of joy. So, if you are looking for a chiropractor in Arlington Heights, Mt Prospect, Buffalo Grove, Wheeling, Prospect Hts, or Elk Grove, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jessica Cho right away!